I have a link to the code I used for this tutorial on github
I am going to walk you through how to seperate your markdown files in Gatsby in a way that makes more sense then a frontmatter field.
How splitting up markdown is normally done
For the longest time I had to use solutions like front matter fields to specify the difference between posts and pages types
Before I learned you could tell GraphQL to know the which markdown file was a page or post. My front matter would look something like this:
--- title: 'How to be productive as a programmer with ADHD' date: '2020-06-19' published: true tags: ['adhd', 'productivity'] coverImage: cover.jpg type: article description: Being productive while having ADHD can sometimes feel like a colossal task. ---
I would use type: article
so I could filter out only posts or articles.
Why its bad
- Adds extra syntax to every markdown file
- It can easily become error prone
- File Systems were designed for this task.
I wanted to simplify how my blog generated articles so I could focus on creating content and not figuring out why a post was missing.
And I already had a folder structure like this:

Wouldn’t it be nice if GatsbyJS knew if a markdown file was a page or blog post based on the folder it's in?
That makes more sense to me.
You need to have gatsby-source-filesystem
If you are using gatsby-transform-remark
or gatsby-plugin-mdx
you will already have this installed. 👍
Step 1 - Create the folder structure
Create the folder structure you want to use.
I like to separate my posts from my code so I put mine at the root level like this
This is the folder structure I will use
📂 content ├── 📂 blog │ ├── 📂 hello-world │ │ ├── 📄 │ │ └── 🖼 salty_egg.jpg │ ├── 📂 my-second-post │ │ └── 📄 │ └── 📂 new-beginnings │ └── 📄 └── 📂 pages ├── 📂 about │ ├── 📄 │ └── 🖼 profile-pic.jpg └── 📂 now └── 📄
Each page or blog post has its own folder. This makes it easy to keep images or files it needs organized.
Step 2 - Set up the file system in Gatsby
Install gatsby-source-filesystem
if you don’t have it
yarn add gatsby-source-filesystem
We are going to be using the Gatsby Source File System to separate our folders.
To do this, first add gatsby-source-filesystem
as a plugin to gatsby.config.js
. You might already have this added.
For each type of content you want separated add a new gatsby source filesystem object with the name and path.
In our case, we want to separate posts and pages, so we need 2 sections.
It should look something like this:
plugins: [ { resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`, options: { path: `${__dirname}/content/blog`, name: `blog`, }, }, { resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`, options: { path: `${__dirname}/content/pages`, name: `page`, }, }, ... }
Step 3 - Update Gatsby config
In gatsby-node.js
add this code to onCreateNode
exports.onCreateNode = ({ node, getNode, actions }) => { const { createNodeField } = actions; if (node.internal.type === `MarkdownRemark`) { const parent = getNode(node.parent); let collection = parent.sourceInstanceName; createNodeField({ node, name: 'collection', value: collection, }); } };
If you are using MDX, just swap out MarkdownRemark
for Mdx
First off, we make sure that the node we are editing is a markdown file, we are grabbing the parent node so we can access some additional information.
is the field we set on gatsby-source-filesystem
in the last step.
alone does not have this field for us to use so we have to get it from the parent.
Then you add a field
to the markdown node for the collection it belongs to.
Step 4 - Let the separating begin
We can now pass a filter to gatsby to let it know what collection we want to access. Hooray! No more frontmatter types
query { allMarkdownRemark( sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC } filter: { fields: { collection: { eq: "blog" } } } ) { edges { node { id fields { slug } frontmatter { title date slug date(formatString: "MMMM DD, YYYY") } excerpt(pruneLength: 280) } } } }
Wrap Up
Thanks for stopping by! This was a quick tutorial I made to solve an issue I was having with GatsbyJS. This article is a part of my "write one blog post a month" challenge.
I have a link to the code I used for this tutorial on github
If you would like to see more tutorials like this, let me know on twitter or by subscribing to my newletter.
Also I recommmend checking out Josh W Comeau if you want more Gatsby goodness. His tutorial on darkmode inspired me to add it to my site